Monday, June 18, 2007

The Doll Show, by Christa

I went to the Collector's United doll show a few days ago. It was fun. Mama, Second Son and I went. We saw some people friends there and met some new people friends. We saw LOTS of dolls from antique through new releases. There was no one like me there and many people commented on me.

I met a beautiful doll named Blythe. She was dressed as Alice in Wonderland. Here we are, posing in front of some new dolls who are still in their boxes. Mama talked to Alice's companion and got to hold Blythe, which was the first time ever for Mama. Alice's companion held me a little while too. I think Blythe is very lovely and unusual.

There was a booth that sold wigs and shoes and eyes and other fun things. Here is a picture of two of Mama's friends who were shopping at that booth. The man holding me has lots of BJDs at his house and he is a New Friend. The man holding the Obitsu head is an Old Friend. These two Friends used to work at the Puppet Theatre in Atlanta together many years ago.

There was another very large booth that had vintage and not-so-vintage dolls. Second Son held me in front of only part of the display.

Mama and I were looking at things so hard that we forgot to take very many pictures.

After the doll show, Mama and I and Second Son went home. Second Son bought sculpting supplies, and Mama got a 10 inch basic Patsyette from Effanbee. She also brought home two new little girls who you will meet on the next post.

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